BMW says it will take a while before the new cars are on the road
BMW has unveiled two new models of the Mini which will be built in Oxford.
The models, unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show, are concept cars - one a coupé and the other a two-door convertible roadster.
They will be produced at BMW's plant in Cowley, where 4,000 staff build three other versions of the Mini.
Graham Diggs, of BMW, said: "It means greater security for everyone who works at the Oxford plant. But we can't at this stage put numbers on jobs.
"Of course we're hopeful that this will mean some additions to the team at Oxford.
"But it takes a long while to turn a concept car into a production car, so it will be a while until we see them on the road."
In February, there were angry scenes when 850 jobs were cut at the Cowley factory, which also closed for a week.
Mr Diggs said: "We had a tough time at the early part of this year, but since then many of the temporary workers that left the company in February and March have come back because demand for Mini is up.
"We are very hopeful for the future, and bringing two new models to market is a step in the right direction."
source: bbcnews