The Nano project to bring out the world's cheapest car has failed to reach any resolution after nearly a month's strong protests from the Opposition. This time the Indian conglomerate has been forced to move out of the state to seek new location. Tata Motors has started removing equipments from the Singur plant in West Bengal possibly to its another manufacturing unit in Uttrakhand.
Tata had shut down its manufacturing operations few weeks back amidst strong protests from the farmers supported by the Opposition Trinamool Congress Party led by Mamata Banerjee. All efforts from the State government and Tata Motors failed to compensate the farmers.
Meanwhile, Tatas have started scouting for other locations to set up another mother plant for its cheapest car Tata Nano. It will use its existing facilities at a stop gap arrangement to keep up with its promise to roll out world's cheapest car between October to December 2008. The forerunners for the mother plant units are locations like Dharwad in Karnataka, Pune in Maharashtra as well as State of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. Existing plants in Pune and Pantnagar in Uttrakhand also known as satellite plants will manufacture small number of Nano to keep the production rolling. A full-fledged production may commence from January 2009 or later.