Along with an electric sports car, minivan and Jeep, today Chrysler also unveiled a new all-electric car from their GEM subsidiary called the Peapod. The Peapod is first of a new generation of GEM electric vehicles that will be more user-friendly and more efficient.

"We have evolved the GEM design language to better reflect its eco-friendly performance and its upbeat, positive image," said Peter Arnell, Chrysler's Chief Innovation Officer who led the design process. "These vehicles use no gasoline and emit no pollutants. So whether it's a trip around the neighborhood or the drive to school or work, the GEM Peapod is the ideal way to contribute to a greener planet, and a healthy lifestyle."
Unlike some past GEM vehicles, the Peapod is fully enclosed and designed to be more aerodynamic. Chrysler hasn't released any details about the Peapod's range or any new battery technology it may incorporate, but it's likely it will be an improvement over previous models. Chrysler has released some information about the driver comforts, though. The Peapod will have a built-in interface in the dash for your iPod or iPhone and will interface with the iPhone for hands-free calling. The seats will be made from a mesh material to allow better air circulation and will be made from eco-friendly and recycled materials.

GEM hopes to have the Peapod into production in 2009, and will follow it with more new models. For now, future plans include an electric light-duty commercial truck and a large city electric car with more range and performance, both of which GEM hopes to get into production next year along with the Peapod.
Chrysler also announced today that the GEM name will be changed from Global Electric Motors to GreenEcoMobility, in what appears to be an obvious marketing stunt to cash in on environmentally-friendly buzzwords.
Source: Chrysler