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Many men naively imagine that whispering "sweet nothings" in a lady's ear will melt her heart. But a new study indicates that it's the revving of a luxury car's engine that turns women on.

"A British psychologist said his study indicates the revving of a luxury car's engine tends to have a sexually arousing effect in women.

He said his team took saliva samples from the study participants to measure levels of testosterone, a hormone that indicates sexual arousal, before and after they listened to recordings of the cars.

Moxon said a full 100 percent of the women involved in the study had a significant increase in testosterone levels after listening to the Maserati engine, while only half of the men marked an increase." UPI

Any guy, regardless of income, can whisper sweet nothings into a woman's ear. But if a gal hears her new date zoom into her driveway in a luxury car, she knows he is financially successful.

If a financially-challenged fellow is going to pick up his blind date, he'd better leave his Pinto at home and rent a Hummer if he is going to have any chance at romantic success.

Sexual attraction isn't primarily about physical attraction, a fat wallet and a luxury car may be more sexually stimulating to a woman than a full head of hear and dreamy blue eyes. A chap may be better off investing in a sports car than saving money to get a hair transplant.

Some optimists may argue that not all women are turned on by luxury cars and other material possessions that spell financial success. Dudes let's not be Pollyannaish, keep in mind that 100 PERCENT of the fair sex was turned on by the sound of the Maserati engine.

Moral of this essay: If you want to get lucky with your new girlfriend, save your romantic spiel and have her listen to your sports car rev up.


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